Becoming a Hummingbird


Becoming a Hummingbird...


Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.  Some we have created and have control over, others divinely designed to shake us from our own self-sabotage, smallness and prisons of mediocrity.  When I disappeared, I was dealing with many of my own demons... as well as destructive uncontrollable forces: cancer, death and bankruptcy.


Once I got over the devastation, I was left with emptiness and open spaces and places in my life.  Thankfully, I am well loved and provided for.  So, I simply began taking myself on field trips.  Like I was in grade school.  Museum trips.  Tide pools.  Parks and Beaches.  Libraries.  Theaters.  You name it.  I submerged myself in calming my mind, and relearning what lit my fire. 



Once you've survived... Thriving is the GOAL!


After a year of healing and renewing my heart, I was a bit bored.  But, was still quite UNinspired.  Couldn't find any spark for my creativity, or any desire to return to Skinfolk.  Was looking for a new avenue.


When you ask, a door will be opened.  While scrolling Instagram in my boredom one day, a friend and former customer was listing an opening for a coffee loving Barista at her bohemian coffeehouse:  The Lazy Hummingbird La Mesa.  I KNEW this was a sign... I had been watching and feeding my neighborhood hummingbirds while healing!  That's it!  Sent an email... with a bit of hesitation.  See, I had never worked in food, knew NOthing about coffee and hadn't had a "real" job in over 10 years!  But, I TRUSTED that this was the next step in my journey.  Thankfully they hired me :)  Well alright!  Let's GO!



Got to talking to folks again.  Mixing up the goods again.  Blending up the happiness and JOY again.  Learned that I could do it again.  Began forgiving my business "mistakes".  Saw that I needed to let my light shine, the world can me a dark place.  Folks needed to see that you can go through the fire and not smell of smoke!  I also learned I put much love into my passion, and love never dies.  I was being called to resume my mission of self-love and care with Skinfolk and MYSELF.


I had gone into a bit of a torpor... which is a state of hibernation that hummingbirds go into to reserve their energy.  To protect their life force.  I would love to use this intention going forward.  To teach y'all how to use torpor to improve your lives, and those around you.  



Thank you Lazy Hummingbird for allowing me to join your midst and adding my spice to the blend!  I send light and much love to the folks who spoke life into my aspirations, and offered wind under my wings.


Thank you Skinfolks!!!  I appreciate all your patience and love.  I KNOW y'all love me!  All the blog responses, emails and DM's let me know that I was missed, and would be supported when I was ready to return.  


To show my thanks:  I am creating Goddess Dream Cream now, will be releasing and reposting on Wednesday, May 1st.  Also, Black Soap will be returning to the starting line up! 


I'm taking my time to stay excited and encouraged throughout the process.  I hope this story of my re-mix inspires you to think outside of the box and take a detour of your own!


To return to tradition is the first step forward- African Proverb 

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